Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me two questions. At my husband a bronchus. An asthma and the doctor propis...

25.07.2004, 02:57
Hello! At me two questions. At my husband a bronchus. An asthma and the doctor has registered to him aerosol or spray Seretid, he with a hormone. At my husband oligozospermija. Mu 3 years we try to get or start the child. Did or made 8 times insseminatsiju by a semen muzha-it has turned out nothing. Are written down for September on EKO. I very much experience, that seretid will affect or influence on spermogrommu, in fact there hormones. And still I ginegolog has registered to husband Speman 2. t-3 in d. These or it 2 medicines can be combined? Thanks

The doctor
26.07.2004, 15:07
Speman consists of grasses, therefore if there is no hypersensitivity to them - accept on health (by the way, I I meet much beremennostej after reception by husbands of this preparation). Application of an inhaler is not a subject to discussion is vital. The hormone will not affect or influence spermatozoons, can decrease a little immunity (and that - at constant application). Even if mobility or impregnating or fertilizing ability of spermatozoons - in case of EKO it doesn't matter will change. And, please, both do not experience: even after unsuccessful EKO I know cases of independent conception and a birth of healthy kiddies.

Kuharkin S.A.
26.07.2004, 22:40
It in general agree with below otetivshim the doctor. I wish to recommend only before will go on EKO to pass or take place inspection in occasion of olgozoospermii. It is assured or confident. That prichna it will be found and it will be possible to formulate much more precisely prognozyy both on estevtsvennoe conception. And on EKO.