Просмотр полной версии : Hello, At me 9 ned. Pregnancy. To me of 28 years. To the husband 32. The first bere...

24.07.2004, 16:03
At me 9 ned. Pregnancy. To me of 28 years. To the husband 32. The first pregnancy. Today was at genetics and I stay in an easy or a light;a mild shock. At mine muzha-varikotsele. In this connection to me diagnostics (a biopsy of a chorion) on 20 week (irrespective of results HGCH and AFP) is appointed or nominated perintalnaja. The doctor has told or said, that at varikotsele the risk of a chromosomal pathology of a fetus as " it is not known what quality a spermatozoon raises or increases has impregnated an ootid ". Really it is really necessary issledovani? Thanks!

Talanova E.J.
24.07.2004, 23:07
Dear Vick! If purpose or appointment of the doctor is dictated by concrete data on spermogramme the husband, instead of simply diagnosis "Varikotsele" prenatal diagnostics can be and is necessary. Also it seems to me strange, that the biopsy of a chorion is appointed or nominated to 20 week though usually it or her carry out on 8 10 week. However, NOBODY can OBLIGE to spend you prenatal diagnostics! Besides, you should warn, that risk of an abortion, though it is low (depends also on qualification of the personnel!), but nevertheless exists, and the decision (without pressure!) about prvedenii prenatal diagnostics you accept vse-taki. Unfortunately, you have not written, where to you were going to to do or make prenatal diagnostics. If you had any doubts in necessity of its or her carrying out (I fine understand you!), Necessarily consult in the "checked up" places: Honey. A-gene. The center, in-those of obstetrics, gynecologies and perinatologii on street Ak. Oparin, or in the Center on Sevastopol pr.

25.07.2004, 12:19
Many thanks for the answer. Genetik did not ask me to give spermogrammu the husband. I have informed the doctor, that the changed spermatozoons in spermogramme no more than 1 % (norm or rate), the doctor have told or said, that malopodvizhnye-it is the same changed. Now to do or make to me PD it is impossible, as at me threat of an abortion. And kosultirovalas I in Honey. A-gene. Center Sankt-of Petersburg.

Talanova E.J.
26.07.2004, 05:46
Dear Vick! Certainly, you understand, that, not seeing the patient and not knowing all nuances, any references, except for those explanatory character to give it is impossible. Honey. A-gene. (Private or individual) now it is a lot of centers. In-i. The "checked most up" establishment is IAG it or him. Otta. At threat of an abortion - especially, any PD!