Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One month ago I have made abortion. After it or him at me has arisen durats...

25.07.2004, 08:21
Hello! One month ago I have made abortion. After it or him I had a foolish feeling, that during operation, something was not so. To me it is remembered, that me has shaken a little, and can has dreamed.......
Did or Made it or him platno in 53 hospital. From here a question. If during operation there was any complication or something has gone not so, doctors would tell or say to me about it or this or would hold back. Me the further opportunity to have excites children.

Malanova T.B.
26.07.2004, 04:05
If your state of health now does not cause or cause questions, toskoree everything, you had a reaction to a narcosis - a dream.