Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I have very much drunk alcohol on the pregnancy second week, sk...

23.07.2004, 12:47
The doctor, I have very much drunk alcohol on the pregnancy second week, whether tell or say please will damage or injure;hurt it to the kid?

The anonym
24.07.2004, 07:30
Know, I zaberemennela about 31 deck. For January, 1st... And then 3 more weeks with all friends marked or celebrated holidays. About pregnancy nchego did not know. Voobshchem it does not harm on on so much early terms.

25.07.2004, 23:21
Gold! I marked or celebrated the day rozhdennija, not knowing about pregnancy, three times (in the different companies), and too very much experienced iz-for influences of alcohol on the child. Doctors (different) unanimously speak, that such often happens, it is not necessary to experience (it puts or renders to the child even greater harm, than alcohol). The risk for the child would be, if you drank or saw constantly...