Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I am glad, that now too I have the interest to glance to you on...

19.07.2004, 06:11
Hello. I am glad, that now too I have the interest to glance to you on conference, t. To. After an appreciable delay has made the test and has received " the two strias "!.. At once has started to experience (it in my repertoir). The matter is that "pulls" a bottom of a stomach or belly as before monthly, sometimes a stomach or belly nabuhaet below, breasts ache a bit - vobshchem all attributes of approach or approximation of critical days.
I also did not believe this delay, yet have not made the test. Here now I experience, be what is it valid the delay (though earlier at such delays always there was only one stria) can simply? Or it is desired pregnancy, but with her something not that? In advance I thank for the answer.

19.07.2004, 13:16
I on a background of two polosochek had all attributes beginning monthly, all as is usual, anything new, but....... They and do not send or have come...:0)

21.07.2004, 12:03
I had all as. Monthly were late for 14 days, twisted a stomach or belly, the test was positive. And the beginning then krovit. I have rushed off on US. There have seen a fetal egg of 9 mm. I have laid down in a hospital. Kept full rest, practically did not rise week. Voobshchem, pregnancy was saved and at us now in family grows krasavitsa-dochurka.
I wish you of good luck! Do not experience, all will be good. Go to the doctor to whom trust (so you will be under observation), and all will be about " kej...

Maria. Vladivostok
22.07.2004, 07:15
At me too. Even that that mazolo slightly, but 15 weeks as I have forgotten that such monthly:-))

25.07.2004, 23:13
At me was in the same way. Having waited for 10 days I have made test-2 strias, next day have gone on UZI-pregnancy of 6 weeks and at the kid 10 weeks and we izvodm mum a toxicosis fought serdechko, and now to us.