Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or say please, whether normally when during an ovulation proi...

24.07.2004, 02:05
Hello! Tell or say please, whether normally when during an ovulation there are white mucous allocation, gravity in the bottom of a stomach or belly and sometimes pains? The first day monthly also very morbid. And more after monthly (5 days) day 2 3 still are small botched work svetlo brown color. And more 1 voprosik. After monthly sexual certificates or acts deep and in any poses painless. After an ovulation in the second phase in some deep poses sometimes painfully (at a jerk deep into), whether it is physiologic? Thanks.

25.07.2004, 02:12
I certainly not the doctor, but on the Internet I read, that these or thus mucous allocation and insignificant pains testify to the arisen ovulation. And it is good. Especially if you try to become pregnant.

25.07.2004, 15:09
Tell or Say please, what such a pose at two levels?
Thanks in advance!