Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 7 days ago I had a reddening between sexual a labium...

The anonym
23.07.2004, 12:51
Hello! 7 days ago I had a reddening between sexual labiums, morbid sensations at a touch to a clitoris, the itch, transparent grey slime at an input or entrance in a vagina, vydeleny is not present. I thought that reddening - result of trainings on a velosimulator, but also after their termination or discontinuance all remains - former. You could not prompt, what is it can be? In advance thanks.

24.07.2004, 18:14
It can be usual razdrazhenie-the most harmless. podmyvanija with Calendulae should help or assist.
But if any infection they will not help or assist and it is necessary to go to the doctor.