Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Did or made EKO (podsadka was 07.06.), result positive....

18.07.2004, 23:33
Hello! Did or made EKO (podsadka was 07.06.), result positive. Now I accept utrozhestan and estrofem, folic and vit. E.Smushchaet that to estrofemu is written to summaries that it or he should not be accepted at the established or installed and prospective pregnancy. Why, and how long it is necessary to drink it or him?

20.07.2004, 19:03
The lovely woman, recommend clinic for EKO.

24.07.2004, 15:12
Did or Made in AVA-Peter Sankt-Petersburg at doctor Chezhinoj of M. of Century Come on http: // www. eva. ru/main/forum/frames? idBoard = 48 and on a site probirka. ru probably there will find the necessary information for itself. Success!