Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I drink Mersilon here a year, but in this cycle have begun kaki...

21.07.2004, 21:11
The dear doctor! I drink Mersilon here a year, but in this cycle have begun any strange allocation during acceptance of tablets, all over again brown insignificant, then black with clots and them is obvious more, any unpleasant sensations I do not test, sometimes as at monthly "pulls" a bottom of a stomach or belly chut-hardly. I accept tablets in 11 evenings, sometimes in 10 or in hardly 11. The beginnings on the eve vydeleny there was a poisoning with diarrhea and a vomiting, but after acceptance of an evening tablet any more was not vomitings diarrhea. What to do or make and what is it can be such? Thanks.

22.07.2004, 11:07
At meoej sisters happens too most. The local doctor in an out-patient department has written out, one advertising the whole bag nadovala. Then she has gone to other gynecologist (give the God to her health, the DOCTOR from the God!) iz-for similar maznii and that to her it is strict on has strictly forbidden it or him to accept, speaks from it or him so much complications and dysfunctions... Now the sister drinks Logest and is pleased...

Malanova T.B.
23.07.2004, 19:20
You already too longly accept without interruption a preparation. It is necessary to have a rest, be surveyed, be protected by a condom.