Просмотр полной версии : Hello tell or say what first signs of pregnancy? Sposibo....

22.07.2004, 08:20
Hello tell or say what first signs of pregnancy? Sposibo.

22.07.2004, 13:45
Any signs there can be at all, all individually. And from existing is a nausea, a giddiness, a swelling or turgescence of mammary glands, morbidity of papillas, etc. and t. Item of Success.

23.07.2004, 15:01
READ through clause or article, all is in detail written.

Questions of diagnostics of pregnancy excited people for a long time. Whether to learn or find out the woman in ancient Egypt to her is pregnant gave or allowed a drink prepared from a special grass (bududu-ka) and milk of the woman who have given birth the boy. If this drink caused a vomiting, the woman means is pregnant, otherwise pregnancy was absent. Ancient Jews for definition of pregnancy forced the woman to go on a soft grass: if there was a deep trace, pregnancy means existed.
Obstetrixes or Obstetricses of the Ancient Greece possessed already appreciable knowledge. So, for definition of pregnancy they were based on series of objective attributes: absence of a menses, absence of appetite, a hypersalivation, a nausea, occurrence of yellow maculae on the face. At the same time they resorted and to such ridiculous agents: before eyes of the woman pounded or triturated a red stone and if the dust got in eyes, the woman was considered as the pregnant woman, otherwise - pregnancy was denied. Even at Gippokrata (460 377 up to n. e.) there were many false and erroneous representations about pregnancy. In particular, he considered or counted, that pregnancy can be distinguished or recognized on eyes, but at the same time one of the first signs of pregnancy he considered or counted the termination or discontinuance monthly.
Soran Efessky (1 century n. e.) has established or installed following signs of pregnancy: are late monthly, nabuhajut thoracal glands, and vessels of a skin of mammary glands are done or made izvitymi, get a bluish shade and nabuhajut; there is a desire to a vomiting; under eyes there are dark circles, and on the face sometimes yellow maculae; the stomach or belly eventually increases or is enlarged and the pregnant woman starts to feel movements of a fetus.
Diagnostics of pregnancy was gradually improved according to development of a human society. Today the diagnosis of pregnancy is put on the basis of interrogation, objective inspection of the woman and laboratory methods of research.
Signs of pregnancy on their diagnostic value divide or share;part on presumable and probable which appear rather early, and authentic, usually found out with second half of pregnancy. Quite clearly therefore, what to use authentic attributes for early diagnostics of pregnancy it is impossible.

To number of the presumable (doubtful) attributes appearing early though and not at each pregnancy, but nevertheless having some diagnostic value or meaning;importance, the following concern.

Dispepsicheskie frustration, sensation of feeling of gravity in an anticardium, a hypersalivation, a nausea, a morning vomiting on an empty stomach, changes of appetite or disgust for some kinds of nutrition (more often meat), occurrence of especial predilection for acute and especially acidic dishes, constipations, desire to use in nutrition inedible substances - a lime, a chalk, clay and t. Item

Functional frustration of nervous system and mentality: easy or light;mild irritability, an exacerbation of an olfaction and hearing, tearfulness, isolation.

Changes in a metabolism: adjournment of hypodermic Adeps, especially on a stomach or belly, a pigmentation of papillas and peripapillary circles, a white line, and sometimes and faces.

Occurrence of strips (cicatrixes) of pregnancy.
All these attributes often meet at pregnant women, but are not necessarily connected with pregnancy that is why are called presumable.
The following can be carried to number of probable attributes.

The termination or discontinuance of a menses at a healthy, living sexual life of the woman at genital age.

Developments of stagnation - cyanotic painting mucous an input or entrance in a vagina, it or him stenok and a vulval or vaginal part shejki uteruses. Augmentation of the sizes of a uterus according to term of a delay monthly, change of its or her usual form and a consistence.

Nagrubanie mammary glands and occurrence in them colostrums.
All these attributes in most cases really characterize pregnancy, but can sometimes be and consequence or investigation of other reasons. So, for example, the delay of a menses can be psychogenic character; the reason of augmentation of a uterus - a growing tumour. Therefore the listed signs of pregnancy are valuable not separately taken, and in aggregate.

The following concern to authentic (doubtless) attributes.

Definition of parts of a fetus at a palpation of a uterus; is most easier it is possible to define or determine a round, dense part - a head, and also fine parts - handles and legs or pinches.
SHevelenie a fetus, defined or determined by an arm or a hand investigating or researching.
Auscultation of palpitation of a fetus by a stethoscope or by means of a cardiomonitor.
These attributes on 100 % certify pregnancy, but are late as can be noted only from the extremity or end IV or beginnings V of month of pregnancy. One of important points in diagnostics of pregnancy is vulval or vaginal survey and a palpation of a uterus therefore on it or this it is necessary to stop more in detail. The size of a normal nonpregnant uterus on a longitudinal axis is peer approximately 7 9 sm (at not become pregnant a little bit less, at given birth or travailled it it is a little bit more). With offensive or approach of pregnancy and during its or her development the size of a uterus increases or is enlarged. Up to the extremity or end of III month of pregnancy the uterus is in a cavity of a small basin and can be probed only at a vaginal examonation. Only after that term, not finding room any more in a small basin, the uterus leaves it or him and can be probed from an abdominal wall, and in the further leads to appreciable augmentation of a stomach or belly.
The normal nonpregnant uterus usually has the bulb-shaped or piriform form, a little uploshchennuju in perednezadnem the size. With offensive or approach of pregnancy during its or her further development the form of a uterus changes. In the beginning she accepts the ball-shaped form, then a little bit azygomorphous, then again ball-shaped and to the extremity or end of pregnancy ovoidnuju. Purchase by a uterus of the ball-shaped form alongside with other attributes is rather characteristic for pregnancy. The ball-shaped form of a uterus can already be marked or celebrated from 5 6 weeks of pregnancy, and this form can be saved approximately till 9 10 weeks. Since 7 8 weeks of pregnancy the uterus becomes azygomorphous, namely: one of its or her angles is a little stuck out or evaginates a little, as though vybuhaet in comparison with the opposite party or side. Occurrence of asymmetry is connected by that implantation of an oosperm in a cavity of the uterus occurs or happens usually near to an ostium of that pipe on which an egg transported. This feature of the form of a uterus during the specified period of pregnancy has noted been for the first time Piskachekom (Piscacek) and offered to them as a diagnostic attribute (sm rice). In the further with development of pregnancy, asymmetry of a body of the womb disappears, and then sign Piskacheka will not be defined or determined any more.
The consistence with offensive or approach of pregnancy changes: she becomes much softer. The ramollissement of a uterus occurs or happens owing to augmentation of the sizes and number of muscular fibers due to enrichment of an organ by a blood, developments of stagnation. The especial ramollissement is marked or celebrated in the field of an isthmus of a uterus (sm rice).
Sometimes the ramollissement is so expressed, that at research of a body of the womb it is represented as though separated from shejki. The second feature of a pregnant uterus is inconstancy of its or her consistence. At research of a pregnant uterus its or her softish consistence in the beginning is marked or celebrated, and during research the uterus becomes more dense. Such change of a uterus during the moment of research is especially characteristic attribute for pregnancy.
To diagnose very early pregnancy usually internal obstetric research not always it is possible or probable, as basic signs of pregnancy received at it or this can be revealed not earlier than 5 6 weeks, pregnancy. Up to this term pregnancy yet does not lead oshchutimym to changes of a uterus. Even at greater term sometimes it is not framed full confidence of accuracy of the received data. Meanwhile quite often it is required to establish or install presence of pregnancy before 5 weeks, for example for manufacture mini-abortion.
Imperfection palpatornogo a method of early diagnostics of pregnancy already for a long time directed or referred an idea on research of other methods based or founded;established on revealing of those changes in an organism of the woman which occur or happen to offensive or approach of pregnancy. Studying of the biochemical changes made in an organism of the pregnant woman, has allowed to offer various reactions by means of which tried to diagnose pregnancy. Evolution of these methods was enough long and proceeds till now. Thus methods were improved in parallel development of a science and occurrence of new knowledge, and especial successes are connected with development of biochemistry and an immunology. All methods are based or founded;established on revealing in a blood or in urine of the woman of a hormone of pregnancy - chorionic Gonadotropinum. This substance is found out by modern techniques in a blood of the woman in a week after conception.
Most the wide circulation was received ekspress-with diagnostics of pregnancy by means of test-systems in which basis the principle of a chromatography is put. Sensitivity of the test or dough is sufficient for practically 100 % of-exact diagnostics of pregnancy on 1 j day of a delay expected monthly, and often it is possible or probable and for 3 5 days before a delay. By means of such test or dough in many cases the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis comes to light or is taped also, however, to distinguish it or her from a uterine pregnancy on the basis of one this test or dough it is impossible. Now on sale there are the various trouble-shooting tests allowing independently to reveal presence of pregnancy in house conditions. More often such test represents the display stria immersed in urine for 1 2 minutes. By quantity or amount of the painted strips judge presence of pregnancy.
By means of an enzyme immunoassay it is possible to define or determine precisely quantity or amount of chorionic Gonadotropinum in a blood. But for diagnostics of pregnancy it is usual this method do not use, as there is no necessity. But in some cases such definition has practical value or meaning;importance. For example, for observation over character of current of pregnancy, diagnostics trofoblasticheskoj illnesses or diseases, an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis.
One more, a well-known and accessible method of diagnostics of early pregnancy is ultrasonic research (US). It allows to reveal pregnancy approximately for 5 6 day of a delay monthly. At survey by the special transvaginal gauge (which it is entered into a vagina) it manages to be made for 1 3 days earlier. In these terms on US it is possible to see in a uterus a fetal egg in diameter of 4 6 mm.
Thus, now diagnostics beremnnosti does not represent for the expert of special complexities and can be very early.
