Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, whether probably, that so the thrush or it chto-is shown...

22.07.2004, 14:47
Tell or Say please, whether probably, what so the thrush or it by something another is shown? To my child month, I nurse, yesterday on one breast on a dummy or papilla there was a small white speck, to feed became sick, at the child in tongue white scurf, is greater or bigger in an oral cavity some any scurfs is not present. How to clean or remove this speck, very much I am afraid, that will painfully feed and it is necessary to refuse a thoracal delivery.

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.07.2004, 23:48
Similar on a candidiasis, try to grease while elementary zelnkoj and to see a doctor in the near future. The mouth to the child can be washed out a soda solution, to grease with honey.