Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, Thanks for your help. I want zaberemenjat. The analysis krov...

21.07.2004, 07:46
The dear doctor,
Thanks for your help. I want zaberemenjat. The analysis of a blood has shown high LUPUS ANTI-COAGULANT (norm or rate 52, at me 58, 6) the doctor has told or said that if zaberemenneju, it will be necessary to accept on a tablet of children's Aspirinum in day. Eto drygaya bolezn chem LUPUS. Ya zhivy v Amerike, I mne zeds obyasnili, chto moi analiz oznachaet chto y menya v krovi obrazyutsya zgystki, kotorye mogyt vyzyvat vykidash. Dazhe esli vykidysh ne proizoidet, to krovi k plody bidet postypat ne dostatochno, poetomy nado bydet prinimat detskii aspirin. Deistvitelno li eto tak? Prosto zeds vse ochen monogo lekarst prinimaut. Esli aspirin prinimat obyazatelno, naskolko eto opasno? S kem mozhno svyazatsa v Rossii po takomy voprosy?

Soboleva L.I.
22.07.2004, 00:13
I think, that it is better to talk on this subject to the rheumatologist, or the therapist, specializing on illnesses or diseases of women, pregnant at the moment or planning pregnancy.