Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I plan pregnancy, but it was preliminary surveyed at the doctor...

21.07.2004, 02:58
Good afternoon! I plan pregnancy, but it was preliminary surveyed at the doctor, erosion was found out, now I treat (injections solkoserila, utrozhestan and wads with spets a solution vaginalno). The first question: whether it is possible to conduct a sexual life during treatment of erosion. Vo-the second, whether it is possible to become pregnant right after end of treatment or it is necessary to make a break, if yes, how long.

Malanova T.B.
21.07.2004, 20:22
You enter the wads, what sexual life? The treatment painted to you is similar to treatment of a colpitis, instead of erosion more. And a colposcopy, onkotsitologiju to you did or made???