Просмотр полной версии : Dear, Tatatjana Borisovna! Thanks for the answer. The matter is that yes the surgeon...

21.07.2004, 02:24
Dear, Tatatjana Borisovna! Thanks for the answer. The matter is that yes surgeons insist on operation. Speak a pier it is not known that, it is necessary to cut. But shtukovina yet arstet and I do not touch or tamper with. I understand, that on the child this influence will not render, but the child can influence it or her. He will grow, press, and suddenly will burst? Means, nevertheless all over again to operate? Define or Determine what is it cannot. On US education, any jelly-like, with set of septums is visible, but is exact not a liquid cyst. Can limfoma, can gematotoma, can....
I and to cut I do not want and about the child I think... Here also I cost or stand at the crossroads. Though it seems to me, that children to me any more vidat, as own ears. To me already 38... Never gave birth or travailled and did not become pregnant... And now if to begin treatment, to try or taste different variants including from a test tube, a lot of time which at me already is not present will leave. And here still this cyst on a lien...
Here such problemka.
Yours faithfully. Svetlana

Malanova T.B.
21.07.2004, 15:12
The child in any way "not will knock down" educated education. And what speaks rezulttat kompjutornoj tomographies? Also what surgeons assume? And what surgeons are abdominal, hematologists or other orientation????? If a cyst good-quality, well and be observed on health!