Просмотр полной версии : I two months ago had not developed pregnancy. Did or made in the extremity or end iju...

19.07.2004, 16:13
I two months ago had not developed pregnancy. Did or made in the extremity or end of July microabortion. Two weeks ago me has examined the surgeon and has told or said that that's all right and I am healthy.
Last time a cycle was on August, 19th. Today has noticed small svetlo pink allocation. I had something similar in the first pregnancy. The truth of allocation have stopped tak-quickly as well as have begun and were absolutely not plentiful.
Whether it is necessary me to address to the doctor and whether there can be it pregnancy?
In advance thanks for the answer

21.07.2004, 04:40
Oksana, at me precisely same history, I consider or count that you should descend or go to the doctor, and in general after such, consequences will longly have an effect.