Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Such question: did or made test-two strias (the last mesjach...

19.07.2004, 03:36
Hello the doctor! Such question: did or made test-two strias (last monthly on January, 14 18th) a toxicosis and other attributes are not present (there is only a sleepiness, hardly the breast hurts, dummies or papillas) How to make sure about a duration of gestation (whether voobshche-are she?) And whether it is possible to drink vitamin E?

20.07.2004, 03:17
The toxicosis happens not at everything, and not always in the beginning of pregnancy. And the hypersensibility of a breast, a sleepiness is too signs of pregnancy. I the first 2 months wished to sleep 20 hours per day, then it has passed or has taken place. The duration of gestation can establish or install only US, and that approximate. Vitamin E to drink it is possible on 2 capsules in day.

20.07.2004, 17:04
For acknowledgement or confirmation of pregnancy is better to hand over a blood on HGS, the US on early terms still can nothing show.
And your attributes - they also are signs of pregnancy, even without a toxicosis.