Просмотр полной версии : To my daughter have diagnosed dystrophia Djushena. To her 14 years, she feels...

17.07.2004, 00:08
To my daughter have diagnosed dystrophia Djushena.
To her 14 years, she feels well, only very slouching and badly studies. DNK-the analysis good, and here after the analysis bioptata a sceletal muscle of the daughter have put this terrible diagnosis. It would not be desirable to agree with this verdict. What can we make, that on 100 % to confirm or reject this diagnosis?

17.07.2004, 21:41
.. .mogu to you to advise to address in RDKB to genetics..... In the same place also can pass or take place doobsledovanie (experts there very good!!!)

18.07.2004, 15:59
.. .mogu to you to advise to address in RDKB to genetics (in an out-patient department)... .tam also can pass or take place doobsledovanie. Experts there very good!!!

20.07.2004, 04:48
.. .mogu to you to advise to address in RDKB to genetics (in an out-patient department)... .tam also can pass or take place doobsledovanie. Experts there very good!!!