Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Me during neskolkih months disturbed allocation...

17.07.2004, 12:20
Hello! Me during neskolkih months disturbed allocation, similar on sopli and without a smell, as sour cream - liquid and plentiful, sometimes with a smell. Constantly excruciated cystitises, drank antibiotics, but the cystitis came again.
Has gone to the gynecologist, she has found out all bouquet: hr. An adnexitis, a colpitis and erroziju. Has passed or has taken place analyses: have found out ureoplazmu and a mycoplasma. A saw zanotsin 5 days in a complex with kloinom, all is not has left or not cunning...

Propyl of macrofoams with levomitsitinom (according to bakposevom and selection of antibiotics) + polizhinaks from mushrooms and vaginalnym douche with hlorfiliptom. The partner was treated zanotsinom and makropenom. Both he and I a course for 5 days (3 in day)

Allocation became much less, but all the same slipped polosochki pus. Began to pull ovaries. Whether also I do not know it is connected with treatment or with new hormonal tablets.

First we were protected by a condom, have now ceased to use and I of allocation have amplified: first as transparent sopli, and now dense. I in full frustration, shall soon go on repeated tests but so it would not be desirable to believe, that all treatment on smarku and it is necessary to begin again all anew.

Advise as to me to be, whether always similar allocation mean an acute infection. I continue syringings with hlorfiliptom.

Thanks huge in advance.

Malanova T.B.
19.07.2004, 16:04
I can advise to hand over smears only. Probably, the occasion for trouble is not present.