Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor. Some weeks at my mum were bad state of health...

16.07.2004, 12:18
Hello, the Doctor. Some weeks at my mum were bad state of health, plentiful bleedings, a flaccidity, a giddiness, a nausea and temperature 37, 5 have then begun. The analysis has shown a low level gemoglobina-40. Have appointed or nominated hospitalization, have found out a myoma. Now to her lift a hemoglobin, and in 10 13 days wish to perform operation. But she badly eats, it or her is constant toshnit and tears. Tell or say operation in its or her case is how much dangerous? And what chances at it or her on full restoration? In advance thanks

Smirnov D.R.
19.07.2004, 15:44
Any operation carries a risk element. Operation is necessary for your mum. After elimination of the reason of a bleeding the hemoglobin will be restored completely provided that is not present what or other pathology.