Просмотр полной версии : Whether the stood pregnancy can to grow? Two weeks ago ktr an embryos sootvet...

18.07.2004, 16:02
Whether the stood pregnancy can to grow? Two weeks ago ktr an embryos there corresponded or met to 7 weeks, and diameter of a fetal egg - to 8 9 weeks and not prslushivalos palpitation. Now ktr an embryos - 9 weeks, diameter of a fetal egg - 11 weeks, precise palpitation is not listened. Have told or said to come in a week. I to be in such strain cannot any more and have decided where to not go any more. When palpitation can be heard without US? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
19.07.2004, 15:28
You have made the correct decision because the stood pregnancy cannot grow. It is possible to hear to palpitation from 18 weeks a stethoscope and with 13 14 device the Kid.