Просмотр полной версии : PEOPLE!!! In the same place sideways the link that doctor PASENJUK up to the extremity or end of October in...

The anonym
14.07.2004, 10:23
PEOPLE!!! In the same place sideways the link that doctor PASENJUK up to the extremity or end of October in HOLIDAY!!!!

16.07.2004, 00:19
People writes in hope, that though somebody will help or assist to understand in the circumstances. And doctor Pasenjuk all the same it is far not on all questions responded. So in holiday she or not - does not play the big role:)

The anonym
16.07.2004, 08:59
And thus you obestsenivaete everything, that she Alla Mihajlovna does or makes. In fact she not only the virtual doctor on the Internet, but also the good gynecologist in a life and at it or her the sea of the patients which demand a lot of time. As far as possible she answers asked questions, but she too the person who requires both a dream and in rest, instead of the robot any.

The anonym
17.07.2004, 23:30
And nobody called in question a level of professionalism. It was a question only of questions which very much often remain without answers. No more that...

18.07.2004, 08:47
Here so always! The Person wishes to make good! To us good! And we that? Give us a finger - we shall bite off all arm or hand. And instead of taking offence that have not responded to your questions - descend or go to the doctor!!!!! And here, say, anybody also is not obliged to respond you and do or make it only at the good will!!!!!

19.07.2004, 02:15
If the doctor wishes to make good that let and does or makes it or him up to the extremity or end instead of then when it would be desirable.