Просмотр полной версии : One more question about postinore. I prinjalja it or him as a tablet farmateks koto...

17.07.2004, 21:15
One more question about postinore. I prinjalja it or him as a tablet farmateks which used all over again not up to the extremity or end was dissolved. In 2 3 days the bleeding has begun and proceeded longly enough almost as usual monthly about one week? Whether there can be any consequences in this case? And whether in general really it is possible to become pregnant even when business not cunningly up to an ejaculation at the partner?

Devore Amante
18.07.2004, 14:03
I not the doctor, but I know, that if "postinor" have given reaction in the form of a bleeding (repeated) pregnancy is not present.
The PERCENT or INTEREST to become pregnant, if there was no ejaculation, especially in you, is minimal. Though is.