Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, to my son a year, and I still nurse it or him. And...

16.07.2004, 19:27
The dear doctor, to my son a year, and I still nurse it or him. And for last months 7 quantity or amount of milk has not decreased, as I did not try to feed less often. If I do not feed more than 7 hours - all swells, 3 times were a mastitis (especially if I shall be fidgety). But the problem not in feeding - I is ready to feed as much as necessary, and that I till now do not have any hints on vosstanolvenie a menstrual cycle. I fed the first son hardly less (12 years ago), and monthly send or have come for the eighth month (milk still was). Whether it is necessary to me to worry in this occasion?. Whether I can become pregnant? Thankful in advance for the answer

Soboleva L.I.
17.07.2004, 12:38
Dear Tatyana! In akusherstve-gynecologies are even such term " the Lactational amenorrhea " - absence of a menses at feeding by a breast. So you should not have any reasons for excitement. Feed the kid as it is possible more longly, and to you it is very useful for him. And a menses will then be restored. The risk of pregnancy at you is, therefore pick up for itself a reliable method of contraception.

18.07.2004, 00:40
To the son year, what for so to be excruciated, in fact the mastitis can lead to unpredictable consequences! If is not present mesjachnyh-it should not calm or abirritate you, t. To. It is possible and zaberemennet. Buy or purchase the test and be checked up!