Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at me disturbance menstr. A cycle 13, are accompanied a delay...

16.07.2004, 14:25
Hello, at me disturbance menstr. A cycle 13, are accompanied by delays 2 4 months, is what nibud treatment, can zdat analyses on hormones, I apply protivozachat. Tab. Ovidon. I am afraid of an early climacterium. To me 30.

17.07.2004, 06:40
Hello, at me disturbance menstr. A cycle of 13 years, are accompanied by delays 24 month, is what nibud treatment, can zdat analyses on hormones, I apply protivoz. Tab. "Ovidon", I am afraid of an early climacterium, me 30.

17.07.2004, 17:25
Lecenie est-eto te ze samyi protivozacatocnye tabletki (eto ih vtoroe prednaznacenie). No esli vy ih prinimaete, menstruacija dolzna byt reguljarnoi. POetomu vam davno sledovalo prekratit prijem i i idty k vracu!