Просмотр полной версии : At me pregnancy of 5 weeks. How to struggle with an adenoid disease? All in...

15.07.2004, 13:21
At me pregnancy of 5 weeks. How to struggle with an adenoid disease? All time hurts a throat, gargles do not help or assist. Anginas never was, therefore indications for excision of tonsils were not too (up to pregnancy, certainly). Also up to pregnancy has passed or has taken place a course of lavages - has not especially helped or assisted, and on repeated now the doctor does not send me - speaks, lavages only increase or enlarge apertures in a tonsil, and it promotes penetration of infections. Whether the tonsillitis is harmful to a germ and whether it is possible to use regularly geksoral? If is not present, what to do or make?
And more: up to pregnancy in 1 to a phase of a cycle has been raised or increased Dea SO4 (not once). At norm or rate up to 10 with what that was 12, 5. At pregnancy on 5 week while he in norm or rate. Whether he can unexpectedly raise or increase and from what? In advance thanks for the answer.

17.07.2004, 00:13
Try or Taste vodka compresses and gargles soda or an iodine. (2 on a glass of warm water, 5 8 drops of an iodine). In each 4 hours. And a compress at 2 3 o'clock. Also hold a throat in heat. Then it is good to check up a teeth - gargle and wash them more often. Do or make inhalation for a nose, drip an onion... The infection can be also aural.
To me it did or made constantly in the childhood. Still apply a dark blue lamp, but it it is necessary to consult on the doctor.

17.07.2004, 08:34
Mashas, I a tonsillitis since the childhood suffer. - to another you will not name. Anginas too was not, but fuses were present at tonsils years with 10. But in occasion of pregnancy - do not experience. I have given birth to a two without any problems, with it or this connected. To rinse or gargle a throat remains, t. To. The chemistry certainly does not approach or suit. Consult at LORa or the gynecologist what travki for a gargle will approach or suit - and forward. And with ANY to medicines is more cautious for this period. The most important - do not load itself sores, analyses. Success!