Просмотр полной версии : SOS: the Doctor, tell or say, please, that to me nuzhnopredprinjat or what obsled...

17.07.2004, 01:58
SOS: the Doctor, tell or say, please, that to me nuzhnopredprinjat or what inspection to pass or take place? The matter is that I do not have monthly more month. I have made uzi and tests for pregnancy. vospolenija, pregnancy at me is not present. What can be the reason? In advance many thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
17.07.2004, 05:06
At a delay one month is complex or difficult for speaking about disturbances - an amenorrhea or absence of a menses schitaetsja it after 6 months. But to wait it is not necessary. Visit or attend the doctor it important for exception of an inflammation of ovaries and make the analysis of a blood on hormones of a thyroid gland, Prolactinum, DGEAs, Cortisonum - those exclude the "external" reasons of disturbance