Просмотр полной версии : Has addressed to the gynecologist in occasion of sterility or barrenness the polyp in tservek is found out. Caen...

16.07.2004, 20:13
Has addressed to the gynecologist in occasion of sterility or barrenness the polyp in tservek is found out. The channel sh.m., + infections (gardner, a mycoplasma, a ureaplasma) after course of treatment by antibiotics a smear on former "kokovyj" nevertheless the doctor has given a direction on operation on excision of a polyp, the subsequent currettage. As inspection of pipes on permeability all the same would be not necessary could respond you:
1. Whether it is possible to spend simultaneously operation on excision of a polyp and gi.salpingografii (it seems so it is called)?
2. In what clinic it is better for making, as treatment for sterility or barrenness probably is necessary would be desirable, that it was in one clinic at one doctor, etc.?
3. Whether whether it is possible to do or make operations and the currettage at presence similar to an infection will cause or call this further inflammation?
It has turned out very longly especially I shall it is grateful for the answer.

Oshchepkova S.R.
17.07.2004, 04:50
Smears should be 1 - 2 degrees of cleanliness; 2. A hysterosalpingography (introduction in a cavity of the uterus and mat. Pipes spets. A contrast solution) and excision of a polyp simultaneously do not do or make; 3. Address in TSPSiR 1 on the Sevastopol prospectus.