Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! My doctor to me has told or said, that at msenja errozija sh. M. of Jotas...

16.07.2004, 12:46
Hello, the doctor! My doctor to me has told or said, that at msenja errozija sh. The m. Though absolutely small, but is. Has told or said, that is necessary possible to try to get rid of it or her in the next way: 1. Tantum the Rose (gynecologic douche), 2. Vagotilum (wads for the night). If it will not help or assist, it is necessary to cauterize. Whether I would like to learn or find out correct this treatment? And what else ways it is possible to cure erosion sh. M.

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 21:37
First the doctor should make the expanded colposcopy, onkotsitologiju. Probably, that you need only banal observation.