Просмотр полной версии : podelitis experience that it is possible to do or make against varices. To us of 20 weeks, terribly...

07.07.2004, 05:43
podelitis experience that it is possible to do or make against varices. To us 20 weeks, terribly twist legs or foots, veins became visible. What to make, what would not become worse?

10.07.2004, 01:43
1. It is necessary to tell or say about it or this to the doctor - on-that should know what to do or make. Then he should register any preparations - if business serious, one national sredstvai here to not manage. 2. To wear spets. Stockings to lay with lifted head over heels.

13.07.2004, 09:09
I asked a similar question flebologu, on what he has responded me, that early for varices but if vse-taki he will be anywhere from it or him to not get to. In second half of pregnancy it is necessary to wear special jersey. However, what is this I in eyes itself never saw jersey. Than I am engaged for prophylaxis of " essential varices "? The Sponging down of legs or foots after douche cold water, application spets. A cream for legs or foots (it is possible " Our mum ") and laying legs or foots to hold on a small eminence. For the beginning buy or purchase stockings or stockings for prophylaxis of varices (70 den, Italy). They are necessary for dressing not rising with beds in the morning in regular intervals on each leg or foot. If will not help or assist, it is necessary to search spets. Jersey.

16.07.2004, 15:37
And how antivaricose stockings and stockings?
Is preventive and is medical. Are divided or shared;parted on pressure. Medical the doctor should appoint or nominate. gde-that read that the presents preventive more cheaply 1000 cannot cost, and medical - not less than 2000.