Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Whether there are specific features of pregnancy on in...

15.07.2004, 16:49
The dear doctor! Whether there are specific features of pregnancy on vynashivaniju boys and girls? I mean state of health of future mum. I understand, that all very individually. Nevertheless, there are in fact any general or common features of pregnancy for all. Can, and on a question interesting me there is any information? Why I ask? The matter is that I am pregnant (9 I week). The last some days the state of health has sharply worsened, the incessant nausea has started to disturb. In my first pregnancy, ended a birth of the son, such was not - felt fine all 9 months, has almost done without a nausea (can, it was few times unimportant, in the first month - and all). Therefore and my question. Thanks in advance.

Pasenjuk A.M.
16.07.2004, 03:20
As those differences it is not described, but more often if pregnancy proceeds not as was, etoili beermennost plodoi other floor, or from other father.