Просмотр полной версии : At me 33 week of pregnancy. The temperature up to 37, 3, pojav today has risen...

The anonym
14.07.2004, 02:11
At me 33 week of pregnancy. The temperature up to 37, 3 today has risen, there was a tussis, a rhinitis and a pharyngalgia. Whether Mozhet-it to be a flu, how much or as far as it is dangerous to the child? What it is necessary to undertake?
gs0001@mail. ru

Pasenjuk A.M.
15.07.2004, 09:29
N aetom it is not so dangerous term ORVI for reenka, but it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid, to accept immunal, to rinse or gargle a throat, to visit or attend the gynecologist - can eat necessity for purpose or appointment spazmolitikov (ORVI on any term with dangerously threat of an abortion)