Просмотр полной версии : Onkoginekolog has diagnosed - erosion shejki uteruses. The cytologic issled...

13.07.2004, 08:33
Onkoginekolog has diagnosed - erosion shejki uteruses. The cytologic research soskoba the cervical channel has revealed glandular erosion. Histological research of a biopsy shejki uteruses - progressing endotservikoz and a planocellular metaplasia. But in last diagnosis the doctor neuverena (speaks, that at such age, to me 26 years, such cannot be). Nevertheless suggests to clean or remove a pathological tissue an electroknife. Whether there can be a mistake or an error in the diagnosis? Whether there Are other methods of treatment of the given disease? In advance I thank.

Savchenko A.A.
14.07.2004, 05:39
Dear Julia. On the basis of your story at you the diagnosis endotservikoz or simply erosion shejki uteruses. Kakih-or something improbable of your story I do not see any divergences. Treatment is necessarily shown to you. Primenimy in this case a cryolysis, an electrocoagulation, a laser destruction or excising or coretraction. The choice for the doctor which treats you. More preferably (in my opinion) a cryolysis and a laser destruction or excising or coretraction.

14.07.2004, 13:16
Many thanks for the answer! I have forgotten to tell or say to you, that erosion at me about 5 years and the doctor speaks, that kriodestrukrtsija will not help or assist. Really, it so? I do not wish to do or make ekstsiziju, it is morbid procedure and besides the rehabilitational period lasts two weeks. At me sedentary job and I cannot allow myself of it or this. Naturally, health is more important, but if I shall lose job at me there will be no opportunity to be treated. The laser destruction is so effective as well as ekstsizija? Whether the palindromia Is possible or probable in the future? If yes, that it is necessary to make, that it or this to avoid? Thanks!!!