Просмотр полной версии : Girls, prompt please, a duration of gestation 21, 5 ned. Have found an infection...

10.07.2004, 01:09
Girls, prompt please, a duration of gestation 21, 5 ned. Have found an infection ureplazmoz. The doctor has told or said, that treatment can be begun after 24 ned. On the Internet prochla, what is it very much seryoznaja an infection and the fetus can have disturbances in development, fetal teratisms of a fetus, the doctor nothing has told or said, but I very strongly experience, really all so seryozno?

12.07.2004, 16:26
Natalia, do not experience! And in general, ureaplasmas is uslovno-pathogenic flora, it is necessary to look a credit. The infection needs to be treated by 24 week. And you read that is written on the Internet less, all this is many times over exaggerated, presently, unfortunately, practically in everyone beremenoj find out k-l an infection. And at you still US in 22 24 weeks, notify the doctor on detection of a ureaplasmosis, closely or attentively survey a placenta. Success!

14.07.2004, 11:00
Wait couple of weeks and make the repeated test (or even two different laboratories). Often happens, that he appears negative, and any medicines it is not required to you.