Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Whether tell or say pozh-hundred preparation Terzhinan for treatment is effective...

12.07.2004, 01:35
Hello! Whether tell or say pozh-hundred preparation Terzhinan for treatment of a thrush is effective? Whether it is possible to combine it or him with tablets Nistatinum? In advance thanks.

13.07.2004, 09:04
Thrush - consequence or investigation, and is necessary to look for the reason. If other reason is not present and is revealed vaginalnyj a candidiasis (yeast) that happens seldom, we spend bakposev with identification of mushrooms and to definition of their sensitivity to antimikotikam.
And to treat a thrush independently, without the doctor and inspection, it is equivalent to development of the project of the house without the engineer.

Oshchepkova S.R.
13.07.2004, 22:54
It is necessary to search for the reason of a candidiasis. The possible or probable reasons: 1. Presence of diseases zheludochno - kishech. A tract - colitises, gastritises, etc.; 2. Allergic diseases; 3. The latent infections - ZPPP; 4. A diabetes mellitis; 5. Long reception of any preparations and as consequence or investigation depression of immunity and development of a candidiasis... 1 stage: to be surveyed at the therapist, the gastroenterologist, the immunologist, the allergist. To survey the partner at the same experts. 2 stage: to hand over smears on an infection with provocation + a blood on AT to chlamydias, TSMV, to herpes, PVCH, etc. it is obligatory to survey the partner. 3. Purpose or appointment of treatment depending on the reason of a candidiasis. Terzhinan and Nistatinum are quite combined. Terzhinan - it is effective, and Nistatinum - a preparation of average efficiency.