Просмотр полной версии : Me disturb allocation prozrachno-brownish with a unpleasant smell. Vro...

10.07.2004, 13:45
Me disturb allocation prozrachno-brownish with a unpleasant smell. Like, nothing hurts. Burning sensations are not present, a menses painless, regular. Though, it is necessary to walk in short kurtochke on a frost as seize infernal pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly on each side (as a rule, also cold ORZ simultaneously begins. Biseptolum stops this all in day) Also there was an abortion (5 back). Has passed or has taken place without problems. Prizhgli to me small erosion. It is More at genikologa was never. - (
Tell or Say, what is it can be?

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.07.2004, 17:29
Similar on a chronic inflammation of uterine pipes. It is desirable to visit or attend the gynecologist, to be surveyed on an infection and to pass or take place course of treatment.

12.07.2004, 08:46
Thanks for the answer.
And an endometriosis not one and too with an inflammation of uterine pipes? Or from an inflammation of uterine pipes the endometriosis can develop? Very much I am afraid of these solderings. As while I did not give birth or travail.
What consequences otvospalenija uterine pipes can be?
Once again thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
13.07.2004, 08:47
There is no endometriosis from an inflammation of uterine pipes does not develop, but can soputsvovat. After an inflammation of uterine pipes there can be an obstruction of uterine pipes and tubal sterility or barrenness.