Просмотр полной версии : To me 25. Did not give birth or travail. Have diagnosed: erosion shejki uteruses. The doctor rekomendov...

11.07.2004, 17:54
To me 25. Did not give birth or travail. Have diagnosed: erosion shejki uteruses. The doctor recommended prizhech liquid nitrogen after sorts or labors. But I yet do not plan pregnancy. Whether it is possible to cure to its or her another (for example, suppositories)? Besides monthly go longly (7 8 days), and there were 5 days earlier. Handed over analyses on viruses: it is healthy. Advise, what to me to do or make?

12.07.2004, 04:34
There is such medicine as Solkovegin. Consult to the attending physician. Processing will be done or made all the same by the doctor. But this medicine is better, than cauterization.