Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at me a menses usually lasts 5 days. I am am excited with that when...

JUlja 21 year
10.07.2004, 11:16
The doctor, at me a menses usually lasts 5 days. I am am excited with that when she begins, in the first some hours of allocation temno-brown, then already normal, and right at the end for the fifth day too brown maznja, then all comes to an end... .chto it can be?
Not so long ago was at the gynecologist, did or made a smear and it was checked on infektsii-there it's OK, and here about it to ask has forgotten...

Maljarskaja M.M.
12.07.2004, 02:02
It can be a variant of norm or rate. If on dannnym analyses on an infection and on US that's all right, it is necessary to make only a colposcopy and ischkljuchit endomterioz shejki uteruses. And usokoitja