Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna! I did not meet such remarkable gynecologists...

10.07.2004, 08:22
Dear Alla Mihajlovna! I did not meet such remarkable gynecologists, as you. It is grateful for the answer to my question (I think, all addressed to you with me are solidary). Tell or say, please, where you conduct reception? And how it is possible to enter the name? It is tired from confused aunts and djadek which izmuchajut, and then will make a helpless gesture - medicine, say, it is not omnipotent! After such doctor - a new trauma. Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
10.07.2004, 19:47
Thanks big. Record to phone 265 5244

Irina, 40 years
11.07.2004, 22:58
The dear doctor! Diagnostics by a method of a magnetic resonance has shown, that Candida albicans at me lives everywhere where it is possible for her! Any troubles with a vagina at me was not (except for unexpectedly revealed condylomas of which has got rid the laser and izoprinozinom). The doctor to me sk., that kandida - one of factors of ill-starred development in me of an endometriosis (two laparotomies iz-for cysts and a cystadenoma, now - rather big serozotsele). Whether So it?., kandida also promotes high leucocytes both in a smear, and in a blood? Where it is system treat kandidu? Thanks.