Просмотр полной версии : Pains

11.07.2004, 03:11
Good afternoon. I ask you to consult me in occasion of one problem which very much disturbs me.
My name is Irina, me of 20 years. During employment or occupation by sex I am am disturbed periodically with pains in the bottom, right part of a stomach or belly hardly above a pubis. Pains have acute pricking character without irradiatsii, duration about 10 minutes. In 99 year, there was an operation: a gangrenous appendicitis with excising or coretraction solderings because of the previous operations, a seam about 10 sm, and in the bottom part of a seam pains are localized. Gynecologic diseases are not present, a sexual life I conduct during a floor of year, the partner constant. During all time these pains arose only two times. First time of a pain had short-term character, and this time pains periodically arise during a week.

11.07.2004, 12:49
Has responded in a subject of the Pain during sex