Просмотр полной версии : One year ago to me have made cleaning, suspecting, that at me pregnancy of 8 weeks....

olga, ITRAKO
09.07.2004, 14:22
One year ago to me have made cleaning, suspecting, that at me pregnancy of 8 weeks. Actually I had already long bleeding during half a year, I connected or bound it that at me stood Naval Forces 5 years and did not give value or meaning;importance to a bleeding. In hospital have made a histology and have found out a fibromyoma of a uterus, with numerous education of sites in a uterus, prinmala Norcolutum within 3 months, opreatsiju did not begin to do or make because at me was very much nizy a hemoglobin - 70, accepted gemobin, has raised or increased up to 120. Now at me bleedings are not present, but monthly go in 40 days, has passed or has taken place 1 year. Went to the doctor, she has told or said, that a uterus again greater or big, has handed over analyses. Prompt, whether operation on excision of a uterus, me 32 years is necessary to me, abotorov never did or made, 6 years stood Naval Forces of manufacture of Russia, then 5 years American

Savchenko A.A.
10.07.2004, 03:19
Indications for operative treatment at a hysteromyoma arise: bleedings, fast body height of myomatous sites, etc. In your case it is necessary to solve the problem (with your treating vrachem) on surgical treatment.

The anonym
10.07.2004, 10:30
I wish to return again to the case history. Has made analyses, good. Manager. Unit on the consultation again has put a hysteromyoma (there were given US, the uterus is stuffed by sites, term of 9 10 weeks, on an external wall of a uterus there was too a site), has inspected or examined and has told or said, that I have the right to demand a direction on operation, but does not advise, t. To. It many years back at once (in sense would make operation) and has told or said, that so it is possible to cut out on the sly all organs!!! Has suggested to pass or take place to me a course of reflexotherapy, having specified to me that age at me genital (though children it is not necessary for me, the son at me is 12 years), I live one. Also has advised ine to adjust the private life, to put into the emotions the order. Advise, that to me to do or make, whether to borrow or occupy to me in reflexotherapy, whether she will help or assist, whether she will relieve of sites in a uterus. Thanks for the answer!!!

10.07.2004, 20:21
I wish to return again to the case history. Has made analyses, good. Manager. Unit on the consultation again has put a hysteromyoma (there were given US, the uterus is stuffed by sites, term of 9 10 weeks, on an external wall of a uterus there was too a site), has inspected or examined and has told or said, that I have the right to demand a direction on operation, but does not advise, t. To. It many years back at once (in sense would make operation) and has told or said, that so it is possible to cut out on the sly all organs!!! Has suggested to pass or take place to me a course of reflexotherapy, having specified to me that age at me genital (though children it is not necessary for me, the son at me is 12 years), I live one. Also has advised ine to adjust the private life, to put into the emotions the order. Advise, that to me to do or make, whether to borrow or occupy to me in reflexotherapy, whether she will help or assist, whether she will relieve of sites in a uterus. Thanks for the answer!!!