Просмотр полной версии : Several days ago began to notice at itself smearing allocation brownish...

07.07.2004, 04:41
Several days ago began to notice at itself smearing allocation of brownish color, most likely with an impurity of a blood. The special smell is not present, nothing hurts, casual communications or connections were not, monthly there should not be at least even a week two, what is it can be?

Malanova T.B.
07.07.2004, 09:06
Acyclic allocation in the middle of a cycle can be an attribute of the chronic endometritis, the last ovulation???

10.07.2004, 15:11
Hello! I never passed or took place inspections for an endometritis, therefore I can tell or say nothing in this occasion. Before such vydeleny was not, the truth monthly at me not regular, is not present the precise schedule, when for five days a delay, when on ten. And more at me a relapsing thrush and erosion. Any concrete treatment to me did not offer, have told or said, that the first practically to not be treated, and the second should pass or take place after sorts or labors. Beremennostej and abortions at me were not.

There can be Syringings antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory can give any positive effect? And that to our doctors to go in general any desire there is no, such sensation, that they know nothing.