Просмотр полной версии : Hello!! One and a half year ago at me were zatjazhitelnye monthly (bol...

08.07.2004, 09:25
One and a half year ago at me were zatjazhitelnye monthly (more than month smeared), from female gynecology with the diagnosis dysfunction of ovaries me at once have directed to a hospital where it was treated 2, 5 weeks, but there have not found any deviations or rejections in an organism, did or made US, it too has shown, that that's all right. After hospital like all it would be restored, only monthly went 3. With a break in 2 ned. (Approximately). Now more close by the summer at me again were gone monthly (but at me so happened repeatedly, t. To. Probably zastuzhalas), now all of them are not present, one month ago there was something like monthly, but only smeared, here now again should be on idea, but all of them are not present. Today observed transparent, on konsinstentsii similar to fiber from an egg, allocation, gde-that read, that such allocation mean, that the follicle has bursted and has released or exempted an ootid. And also it means, what soon monthly nachnutsja?! It so??

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.07.2004, 13:03
Under the description - yes, it is similar to ovulatory slime (the truth she is developed or produced in shejke uteruses) and it will be probably fast a menses.

09.07.2004, 23:24
Thanks for the answer! Still a question: these are dangerous days (pregnancy)? Or already safe??