Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! At me disf. Ovaries, I plan pregnancy....

08.07.2004, 12:04
Dear Tatyana Borisovna!
At me disf. Ovaries, I plan pregnancy.
To destination the doctor I accept utrozhestan with 16. ts. And 3 months on 22 d. ts. The menses, t begins. e. 10 days to accept a preparation it is impossible. Tatyana Borisovna advise what to do or make in this situation? In US has read through, if has correctly understood, what a uterus normal, and uterine pipes not opredel, what is it znachaet?

Malanova T.B.
09.07.2004, 22:13
It is inadequate reaction on utrozhestan. So you cannot become pregnant. Go on reception.