Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! After reception postinora (the condom has torn) at me...

09.07.2004, 01:37
Hello, the Doctor!
After reception postinora (the condom has torn) at me the menses in time (as should on a cycle) has begun. FOR 4 day of a menses went to consult to genekologu, he has told or said it's OK. But today 7 day and a menses proceed same plentiful as in the first days (such sensation that the extremity or end is not visible). I have started to worry. I heard, that after abortion, an abortion
And t. The item appoint or nominate the medicines preventing a greater or big loss of blood. Can it is necessary to me to have a drink them and how the name of such medicines? With the genekologom I can not consult (is ill) or sick). Very much I ask to write names of medicines. In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
09.07.2004, 21:20
At you a bleeding on a background postinora. If it very plentiful it is possible to use broth of a neetle.