Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. To me 22 years, live in Moscow. A menses have begun in 13 years, with with...

08.07.2004, 11:02
Good afternoon. To me 22 years, live in Moscow. A menses have begun in 13 years, from the very beginning irregular (it is usual from 35 till 45 days), sometimes morbid and plentiful. A sexual life since 20 years.
It has started to be treated approximately 2 years ago. The analysis of a blood has shown rising man's hormones. Almost year saw Diane-35, in 5 months there have passed or there have taken place acnes, the cycle was strict under the schedule, after the termination or discontinuance again all has begun with the beginning. It was surveyed once again. On US a polycystosis of ovaries, hormones: the Test - 3, 0 (povysh); LG - 5, 5; FSG - 6, 6; Prl - 403; 17 OR - 4, 4. Rectal temperature monophasic. The doctor has appointed or nominated 6 courses Diane-35, and then keostilbegit (with the control of temperature).
The penultimate cycle was 46 days, last - 23. On following the menses very plentiful, especially on 2 j has started to drink to Diana, day, duration of 6 days. After the termination or ending of a menses some times appeared small reddish allocation, as a rule after the sexual certificate or act. Prompt, what's the matter.
In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
09.07.2004, 18:00
Hello, Maria! Your question does not concern to a subject of contraception, he concerns or touches sterilities or barrennesses.