09.07.2004, 13:42
The dear doctor! After in vitro it was possible to become pregnant. 9 week. The fetus develops well, Progesteronum 50 from the beginning of pregnancy. One week ago has handed over a blood on controlling of hormones of a thyroid gland: the lowered function of a gland on a background or as consequence or investigation of a tumour of a pituitary body with rising the maintenance or contents of Prolactinum (I accept a preparation against Prolactinum; the tumour has disappeared). Result of inspection of a blood: slightly raised or increased maintenance or contents T 4 - a hormone. Prolactinum in norm or rate. In a week I can visit or attend vracha-the endocrinologist. Only gerez week. To me of 36 years. It is a lot of forces pltracheno on treatment and now I experience, I am afraid for such long-awaited pregnancy. My question: whether such hormonal changes during pregnancy are normal if are not present, danger of an abortion or a birth of the sick child is how much great. Thanks for the answer!