Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, your opinion as doctor. You recommend or not messages...

07.07.2004, 19:08
Tell or Say, please, your opinion as doctor. Whether you recommend or not to conduct a sexual life before marriage or spoilage, in particular, it is necessary to stop virginity after 20 ti years, or it not strongly influences an organism - the virgin you or not?

Oshchepkova S.R.
08.07.2004, 03:18
Conducting a sexual life before marriage or spoilage is a business especially personal and individual and corresponds or meets to inquiries of your organism. It is considered, that the regular sexual life improves functioning all organs and systems of an organism (depression of the raised or increased BP, improves a status of integuments, influences all gormonalnozavisimye organs, adjusts or regulates nervously mental status of the woman, etc.). It not so is essential To 20 years, as for 30 or 40 (I have in view of a regular sexual life).

09.07.2004, 12:57
Thank you