Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, constants pulling and nojushchie pains in the left bottom part of a stomach or belly, also...

07.07.2004, 13:26
The doctor, constants pulling and nojushchie pains in the left bottom part of a stomach or belly, also in the bottom part on what specify an abdominal distention? Whether it is dangerous? At me a sick stomach and an intestine (a ulcer, diskenezija and a heap of all unpleasant). Whether can all this influence female health? Whether the abdominal distention (I shall repeat, what the inflation happens in the lowermost part of a stomach or belly and happens so painfully, what you you bend double) can to specify any female disease?

09.07.2004, 04:10
It can be an inflammation of appendages. Or if in the middle of a cycle, signs of an ovulation. The sick intestine seems to me in any way influences. Only additional painful sensations.