Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear Doctor! It would be desirable to know, than it can be accompanied...

07.07.2004, 10:14
Hello, the dear Doctor! It would be desirable to know, than "disaccustoming" from contraceptive tablets can be accompanied? What signs are normal or abnormal? (me of 20 years, accepted Novinet one and a half year, but has stopped to accept after reception of two packings successively, without interruption - postponed the next cycle). Now there were one monthly, others - do not hurry up. How much or As far as it can depend on the transferred or carried strong nervous stress?

Soboleva L.I.
08.07.2004, 21:01
In the first months after a cancelling of contraceptives enough often there are irregular cycles. Though the probability of that the reason in stress is not excluded.

09.07.2004, 02:38
Thanks huge for the answer! Then still it would be desirable to know, when thus it is necessary to address to the doctor for consultation. Whether really hormonal contraceptives leave an opportunity after their cancelling normally to become pregnant, do not arise or whether are aggravated at cancelling OK female any diseases?