Просмотр полной версии : US has shown, that in a pipe a liquid and septums. The doctor speaks, that a pipe p...

07.07.2004, 07:52
US has shown, that in a pipe a liquid and septums. The doctor speaks, that the pipe is lost. All this iz-for vospolitelnogo process which reasons cannot find. If to remove this pipe, whether that happens similar with the second. Whether there is an output or exit, except for operative treatment. What to do or make?

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.07.2004, 22:45
I consider or count, what it is necessary to make a laparoscopy and to not delete a uterine pipe, and to restore its or her permeability, because to remove simply, n who of dates a guarantee, what not postredaet the second uterine pipe?